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Frequently asked questions:

What is the admissions policy for Adel Primary School?

Admissions to our Reception class are administered by Leeds City Council.  Please look on the school website under the Key Information tab for more information on the Leeds City Council admissions policy and process.

How many places are there in the Reception class? 

We are a one-form entry primary school.  We have 30 places within the Reception class. 

If my child attends your Nursery are they more likely to get a place in the Reception class ?

A child who attends the school nursery has to go through the same admissions process as any other child applying for a place in Reception class.  Attending our school nursery does not guarantee a place at Adel Primary School. 

Do you teach any additional languages in school?

School has chosen to teach Spanish as our modern foreign language.  The children learn Spanish from Nursery through to Year 6. Have a look at the SUBJECTS page on the website, under the Children tab for more information.  

Do the children go on school trips/visits?

Classes regularly participate in visits or outings that enhance our school curriculum.  Visits out are usually linked to topics covered within classes.  As part of their topic on Traditional Tales Reception class spent a day at Temple Newsam enjoying a traditional tales workshop.  Higher up school, Year 3 visit Leeds City Museum as part of their History topic and Year 4 visit Elland Road.

We also offer several overnight visits in Key Stage 2.  This year, Year 4 will visit Nell Bank in Ilkley on a one night residential visit, and Year 5  will go on a two night visit to Malham. In September our Year 6 children visit Herd Farm for two nights, enjoying lots of outdoor challenges and activites.    

How do I know what is happening in school?

Our main form of communication takes place using ParentMail.  As well as emails, we use this platform to share forms, the booking system for parent evenings and also for parents to make payments, for example to purchase a school book bag.

We also hold regular parent events throughout the year; information evenings, curriculum share events, class and whole school assemblies to name but a few.

How will I find out more about the curriculum being taught to my child?

As well as in school events to share curriculum information you can find out plenty by looking at the school website.  Under the Key information  tab you will find a CURRICULUM page and under the Children tab you will find a SUBJECTS page which should give you a flavour of what takes place in lessons.

Can my child learn an instrument in school?

As well as our music curriculum that runs weekly in every year group, children get the opportunity to learn to play three instruments during their time at Adel Primary, taught through whole class music lessons.  Year 2 learn to play the ocarinas, Year 3 learn to play the ukulele and Year 5 learn to play the djembe drum. 

Who teaches in Reception class?

As a minimum, the Reception class is staffed by two adults throughout the school day.  The class teacher -  this role is currently shared between Mrs Shutt and Mrs Thompson and a Teaching Assistant, Mrs Masocha.  

Have a look at the Who’s Who section on the school website to see all our staff. 

If my child gets a place at Adel Primary school will they be able to visit the school?

On Offer day (19th April 2022) if your child gains a place at Adel Primary School, please get in touch with us to confirm that you are accepting the place. Once we have your contact details we will send information out about our new Parents meeting, which usually takes place at the beginning of June.  At this meeting dates will be shared with you for transition events, including Stay and Play sessions, a home visit (if your child has not attended our nursery) and transition visit dates during July.

Who do I speak to if my child has special educational needs or a disability?

Mrs Benning is school’s SENDCo (special educational needs and disability co-ordinator). Please speak to Mrs Benning, who will liaise with the setting your child currently attends and any agencies or professionals who are involved in supporting your child.  

If you have any more questions that we have not already answered please email and we’ll do our best to help.  We will continue to add anymore FAQs to this page. 

Mrs J Cordingley
