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Early Years

Meet the Team

Mrs Shutt - Early Years Lead and

Reception Teacher 

Mrs Earley - Nursery Teacher
Mrs Thompson - Reception and Nursery Teacher
Mrs Masocha - Teaching Assistant
Miss Saynor - Teaching Assistant


Our Early Years Statement of Intent

Our Early Years Curriculum at Adel Primary School provides a secure foundation for future learning. We want our children to have a love of learning and to experience the awe and wonder of the world. We want them to be motivated, resilient, kind and respectful of others and the environment. We want them to leave us as independent, confident and happy learners.

We have a dedicated and enthusiastic Early Years team who work together to create a positive, caring and welcoming environment where children feel secure and are challenged to achieve their best.

As each child embarks on their learning journey, we provide rich and memorable learning experiences that takes into account the different needs, interests and learning styles of all our children.

Our curriculum is planned but personalised and flexible to equip each child with the knowledge, skills and experiences they need, in a holistic way, to ensure learning is embedded and meaningful.

EYFS Statement of Intent

Early Years Foundation Stage

At Adel Primary School we follow the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework' published by the Department of Education, for both our Nursery and Reception Classes. It sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to 5. 

The curriculum is split into seven areas of learning which are all inter-connected. The children have access to all these areas during their sessions in Nursery and Reception and whilst working in the outdoor provision areas. The level of progress children should be expected to have made by the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is defined by the Early Learning Goals set in each area of learning.

Our curriculum at Adel has been designed to ensure all children are given opportunities to expand both their skills and their knowledge. Our work with the children is a careful balance of child initiated and adult led sessions, allowing children to follow their won interests whilst exploring new and exciting topics. All children have a key worker who ensures the child's personal and curricular needs are met and cared for.

The Adel Curriculum

As each child embarks on their learning journey we provide rich and memorable learning experiences that takes into account the different needs, interests and learning styles of all our children. Our curriculum is planned but personalised and flexible to equip each child with the knowledge, skills and experiences they need, in a holistic way, to ensure learning is embedded and meaningful.  The curriculum is also led by school’s three key drivers GROWTH: Preparation for life; independence, resilience and wellbeing. DIVERSITY: Recognition and celebration of our diversity. ENGAGEMENT: Outdoor and ‘physically active’ learning. We have used these drivers to create six Early learning goals personalised to Adel and our children. These goals provide children with the solid foundations they need to move into school confidently and happily. 

We aim to work closely with our families and to create positive and supportive relationships. We recognise and celebrate diversity and the achievements of all our children and promote good health and wellbeing. Throughout their time in EYFS, the children will develop a sense of belonging to our school community and a readiness to transition to year 1. 

Adel Early Learning Goals