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Parental Information: Attendance Procedures

School opens at 8.40am and registers close at 8.45am

Parents/carers to contact school to provide a reason for why their child is not in school. This can be done via ParentMail or a phone call (0113 2301116 Option 1)

A phone call will be made by school if no reason is provided.

If there is no response from parents/carers a home visit may be carried out.

If a pupil is absent for 3 days or more school may carry out a home visit, even if a reason has been given.

Points to know

At any point during the absence a home visit may take place. (In line with safeguarding procedures we may ask to see your child)

Absences may not be authorised without evidence if a pupil’s attendance is below 97%.

Leave in term time will not be authorised*
*Unless there are exceptional circumstances and the Headteacher uses their discretion.

If you require leave in term time you must request this in writing by completing our leave in term time request form, which can be obtained at the school office. This is to be done prior to any absence or booking that made need to be made.

Please remember that school starts at 8.40am and your child should be in school for this time every day.

It is a parent’s responsibility to ensure their child attends School regularly.

We aim for at least 97%.

Any absence figure below this is monitored within school, with attendance at 90% or below classed within the Persistent Absentee category and is a cause for concern.  

The table below gives an overview of what the attendance % figure looks like over a year.

Attendance percentage

School days present per year

School days missed per year

Number of lessons

missed per year


195 days

0 days

0 lessons missed


194 or 193 days

1 or 2 days

5 to 10 lessons missed


192 days

3 days

15 missed


191 or 190 days

4 or 5 days

20 to 25 lessons missed


189 or 188 days

6 or 7 days

30 to 35 lessons


187or 186 days

8 or 9 days

40 to 45 lessons missed


185 or 184 days

10 or 11 days

50 to 55 lessons missed


183 or 182 days

12 or 13 days

60 to 65 lessons missed


181 or 180 days

14 or 15 days

70 to 75 lessons missed


179 or 178 days

16 or 17 days

80 to 85 lessons missed


177 or 176 days

18 or 19 days

90 to 95 lessons missed

Attendance policy 2023 -2024